What to Expect - Week #7, Season 24
For Week #7, July 23rd, of the 2020 FACSAP Summer Harvest, we anticipate the following this Thursday: (For useful resources on storing and preparing seasonal produce scroll down to How to Get the Most Out of Your CSA Share.)
GUERRA GARDEN – José Antonio Guerra
Tomatoes (Big Mama)
Swiss Chard
HARTLAND NATURAL FARM – Esteban Cabrera, Matz Groschel & Amir Davis
Mixed Potatoes – Yukon Golds or Redskins
Carrots & Zucchini [Large Shares receive both of these and Small Shares receive one of these]
Romaine Lettuce Heads & Heirloom Tomatoes [Large Shares receive both of these and Small Shares receive one of these]
BLENHEIM ORGANIC GARDENS – Lawrence & Becky Latané
Assorted Heirloom Tomatoes
Watermelons, personal size [Enough for Large Shares only]
We have enough watermelons for the large share members only--these are a little smaller than a bowling ball.
Thanks. Very dry here with some of our tomatoes starting to stress--not sure how long we can count on them.
Green Thumb Growers does not have produce for delivery to Fredericksburg CSA Project on July 23, 2020.
Although there may be small amounts of kale available for gleaning over the next several weeks, this crop has succumbed to the usual harlequin bug after four successive harvests. The subsequent, interplanted winter squash are established and under irrigation. I anticipate a mix of acorn, butternut and Seminole squash about the middle of September.
Available for direct purchase outside this week’s Share, Francis will have:
Garlic - $5.00 per braid
Fingerling Potatoes (Moulin Rouge) - $4 per pound
Pre-order by Thursday 11 a.m. recommended.
Francis Ngoh, fengoh2010@gmail.com
BLASQUEZ GARDENS – Christien Conniff
Cherry tomatoes are growing well but not ready for full harvest yet and different okra varieties have been planted but not ready for harvest... hoping for an August debut!
CHARIS FARM & HOMESTEAD – Jen Ferinde & Family
LATE SUMMER EGG SHARES now available! To sign up, go to the FACSAP website Side Share page: 2020 Egg Share
Pastured, organically-produced, soy-free, hand-gathered Chicken Eggs $8 per dozen.
The heat is really taking a toll the hens, resulting in decreased egg production, so I do not anticipate having any surplus eggs for direct purchase this week. Egg Shares will be distributed as usual. Looking forward to another great Thursday!
ALL THINGS FARM – Rebecca Bracewell & Wendy Williams
We will have bouquets this Thursday as usual. Thank you! -Becky
FRESH CUT FLOWER SHARES – available for FACSAP members! To reserve your share:
Send an email right away to rebeccabracewell1981@hotmail.com.
Print the form from the FACSAP website Side Share page www.fredericksburgcsa.com/side-shares.
Bring your completed form and payment on Thursday and give to Wendy or to a FACSAP volunteer.
PÄLZER MÄDEL – Nicole Maynard
Prepared baked goods made from organic ingredients. Available the next two Thursdays: July 23 & July 30
I would like to offer Zucchini Bread, Zucchini Muffins and Ginger/Ayurvedic Cookies for FACSAP members. I am planning on using Zucchini from Guerra Garden, organic all-purpose flour, organic Einkorn flour, organic coconut sugar or Sucanat and--when able to substitute--honey from Cardinal Apiaries, organic coconut oil, non-GMO Walnuts and non-GMO baking powder. In addition, for the Cookies - organic ginger and organic Ayurvedic tea leaves, organic and fair trade chocolate.
Zucchini Bread - loaves are roughly 4x12 for $10
Zucchini Muffins - $2 each
Ginger/Ayervedic Cookies - 8 cookies/bag for $8
I will make the bread and cookies fresh the day of and night before CSA pick-up, therefore I need to know the number of pre-orders by Tuesday 3:00 PM.
My capacity is limited to approximately 20 loaves and 72 muffins.
I can accept cash (if provided in exact change), checks or credit cards (via Square).
Pre-order by Tuesday 3:00 PM on July 21 or July 28 required.
Nicole Maynard, maynardnicole1@gmail.com
GOLDEN ACRES ORCHARD – John Thomson & Mrs. Scottie Thomson
We look forward to delivering another Apple Juice Share this Fall, along with the apple harvest for FACSAP members.
THERIANOS FAMILY ORGANIC FARM – Dimitris Therianos & Family
Dimitris is currently preparing our delivery to ship from the farm in Greece this week. Delivery is expected to arrive in Fredericksburg by the first week of August. The Therianos Family is grateful being part of the FACSAP community!
FACSAP and its members are an important component of my customer base and I appreciate you. I'm in the midst of harvesting and bottling this year's honey, which has interesting floral notes. It will be ready soon for distribution into the Summer Shares, and for extra Honey Side Shares.
FOLK CITY SOAP – Heidi Lewis
I have prepared the soap bars made especially for FACSAP members, expected to be distributed in August.
There are 120 bars (in 4 different blends, approx. 30 bars each) plus I added 12 packages of my new zero-waste dish soap bar, in case members are interested in trying this for hand-washing dishes. These are very dense/hard soaps (not super-fatted like the bath bars) that come packaged with two small rounds of soap each—I use a dish sponge or brush with this soap to wash dishes as well as pots and pans, and make sure it dries between uses so it lasts longer.The Soap is included with the Full Season Shares and will be available for direct purchase for the 10-Week and 4-Week Short Season Shares.
Kickshaw’s Gluten-Free Bakery will not offer Bread Shares this season. We are happy to fill any orders placed for folks for either home delivery or pickup at the farmers markets. Place your order via the website: www.kickshawsfxbg.com.
How to Get the Most Out of Your CSA Share
FACSAP is a community, with the growers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the benefits as well as the risks of food production. Joining a CSA means eating with the seasons and, perhaps, trying vegetables that may be new to you and your family. We recommend reading cookbooks that focus on storing and preparing seasonal produce, such as From Asparagus to Zucchini (a wonderful resource created by the Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition in Wisconsin) https://www.csacoalition.org/product-page/asparagus-to-zucchini-cookbook or Simply in Season (by Cathleen Hockman-Wert and Mary Beth Lind). https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/251313.Simply_in_Season
Here are just a few of the many websites that will provide ideas and inspiration when it comes to preparing your fresh veggies:
Produce Tips & Recipes on the FACSAP Website: https://www.fredericksburgcsa.com/produce-tips-recipes
40 Simple & Delicious CSA Recipes: http://memberassembler.com/hub/40-recipes
Eating Well – How to Get the Most Out of Your CSA: http://www.eatingwell.com/article/286075/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-csa/
Feasting at Home: https://www.feastingathome.com/15-farmers-market-recipes/
Adventure Kitchen – CSA Survival Guide: https://www.adventurekitchen.com/week-6-csa-survival-guide
Taste of Home – 40 Recipes That’ll Help You Use Your CSA Box: https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/csa-recipes/For